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Nov 30, 2022

Days of Being Wild (But Healthy)


The way I see it, we’re all on fire. Souls burning and our bones crumbling to ash. Isn’t it beautiful?

The Wildcard

For as far back as I can remember I have been deemed the wild card. You dare me to do something, whatever it is, and without thinking twice I say yes. It’s always been a great joy of mine to watch everyone’s eye bulge and stare in awe as they witness someone do something that they never would. My life has been guided by temptation and impulsive urges to live freely and recklessly but it’s always been a mystery as to where I was hoping it would take me. All I knew was that I was meant to follow my gut, even if it led to the worst of places.

A Healthy You VS The Restricted World

Most people like to play things safe. They consider this to be the smart move that will ultimately build a proactive and healthy life. These are the same people whom many would consider boring and spiritless. This doesn’t make them a bad person, just spineless.

Acting on impulse and emotions can be considered reckless and even dangerous but after all, aren’t we animals? You don’t judge a lion in the wild for behaving the way they do yet when human beings do it’s frowned upon. In a lot of ways, we have neglected our primal instincts and replaced them with a superficial structure with a cozy safety net that protects us from any impending harm. This may sound beneficial but it’s actually preventing us from achieving anything worthwhile.

This system was made in hopes to prevent chaos and disorder and yes, that’s ultimately a good thing, but it also separates us from what we truly are. We have designed man-made techniques for ourselves—jobs, healthcare, school, and entertainment, but it’s merely a way of controlling us and how we behave. It’s time to put all that to the side and live freely.

The key is to have a well-rounded emotional outlook. Embrace the entire spectrums of emotion, not just the positive ones. In this modern world of prescription drugs, endless social media, and a non-stop news cycle, it’s easy to suppress our true selves with superficial supplements that are nothing more than a way to numb the pain. Get off your phone, stop waiting around for someone to tell you how to live your life, and make a spontaneous decision because the person you are meant to be is distracted by our contemporary pursuits.

Take A Risk

Why not take a chance and do something bold? Is it because you fear doing it or fear how much you may enjoy it?

If you consider yourself to be cautious and safe, it’s time to switch things up. Commit to doing something based on emotion rather than safety and I can guarantee the rush and thrill you achieve will be worth it. However, if you are going to go down the road of pandemonium, you should do it the right way.

There are certain facts of life that you can’t ignore. Let’s say you’re ready for an adventure. You are done playing by the rules and need some juice of excitement, but you have medical issues that can’t be ignored. There is a major difference between taking a risk and neglecting your health. At the end of the day, the only way you can be a risk-taker and live an extreme life is if you are physically up for the challenge. Get checked out and receive the necessary information you need otherwise; the party will end before it even starts.

Embrace Your True Self

You’ll never know who you really are if you don’t take chances. All of us are on a journey of self-discovery and the only way to find out who you are meant to be is by seeking it. Most people sit around waiting for something magical to happen only to realize that’s not the way life works. Failure and danger are a natural part of life so why not embrace it? The true test of a person’s will won’t be found through easy and safe accomplishments, only when things take a turn for the worst will you discover who you really are.

There is a catch. If you want to roll the dice, you have to be willing to pay the price. At some point, things are going to go sideways, and you need to understand that there will always be consequences for your actions. When that day inevitably comes, embrace it. This is part of the game and is the most important part. This is where life-changing lessons will be learned and is a crucial moment for self-discovery. This may be for better or worse, but either way, you’ll learn something about yourself that you never would have gained if you had played by the rules.

Life is rare and precious. This world will eat you up and spit you out but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. It’s up to you and only you to bring excitement and madness into your life—don’t let anyone tell you how your life should be lived. Be bold and take great chances. Remember, fortune favors the bold and no one remembers those who sat on the sidelines.

* Legal disclaimer: The content of this article and the entire Chai Care blog is for educational purposes only; it does NOT constitute medical advice and must not be considered as such. Please consult a medical professional regarding any symptoms or health concerns you or your loved ones.