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Nov 15, 2022

Sex, (Prescription) Drugs, And Optional Rock ‘n’ Roll


I’m just going to call out the elephant in the room: Some time ago, and it may have been a while, your mom and dad had unprotected sex.

They may have done it a few times. Naughty!

How do I know? Simple: You exist.

Enjoy Yourself

Human beings are passionate creatures, driven by the pursuit of pleasure and connection. Science can do its best to explain why and how we get these powerful and sometimes uncontrollable feelings but at the end of the day, there is no explanation needed. When you lock eyes with that special someone, flirting and bonding, there is no proper combination of words that can truly describe the feeling.

Whether you like to take things slow or consider yourself to be someone who moves at a quicker pace, there are many different points of view on whether this is healthy or not. The answer is always changing and evolving but that’s only because of how personal physical intimacy is with the specific individual that you are talking to. If you ask me, the more the merrier.

Healthy Sex

Most people will claim that sleeping around is sleazy and even unhealthy. Honestly, these are the same people who have a hard time maintaining a constructive relationship and typically are not great when it comes to the game of love. It’s easier for these people to make rude accusations about others, rather than focusing on their own faults.

It is perfectly healthy to live a sexually active life, and please go ahead and do whatever makes you happy! – however, there are some guidelines you should follow if you want to stay in the game.

First things first, use your head (the one on your shoulders). It’s fun to be bold and live dangerously, but there’s a difference between being spontaneous and making a stupid decision. Situations are hard to read, and every circumstance has its own unique factors, but keep your head on a swivel. When flirting and dating new people whom you don’t know much about, you’re entering a potentially threatening world. This isn’t to say you should be paranoid the whole time, just understand that this person may not be exactly what they are making themselves out to be and could have cruel intentions.

You leave the bar, you’re both on the same page about where the night is heading, and things are beginning to get intimate.

To wear or not wear protection, that is the question. The answer is simple.

No matter what your friend claims to be true and how they “have never had an STD”, just wear one. Do condoms make the experience slightly less enjoyable? Definitely, but the risks are greater than the reward. STDs and unexpected pregnancy can really throw a wrench in your life and this seemingly small risk is not worth a lifetime of regret.

Communication is key when it comes to sex. If you and your partner trust each other and have both been tested for various STIs, have a conversation and as long as you both are on the same page, the choice is yours. Sex is an activity for responsible adults which puts both parties in a situation to make mature choices. If you want to take a risk, be prepared to face any potential consequences.

I would know.

Be Responsible

If you roll the dice enough times, you are eventually going to lose. Unfortunately, my time was up. Let’s just say after what I thought to be a safe and intimate experience, well, I started to feel not well and needed a check-up. Most people would agree with me when I say taking that trip to the urgent care facility, sunglasses on and hat down low is a brutal journey that no one wants to make. After eagerly waiting for my results, I received the unfortunate news that I contracted an STD. Fortunately, it was one that was treatable and after one week I was as good as new.

Now What?

So, what is the moral of the story? In my opinion, it is to use your best judgment. Looking back at that experience there were many red flags I ignored because I had too many cocktails and I didn’t follow my gut. This isn’t to say that the woman I was with is a bad person and knowingly had an STD but believe me when I tell you that there were plenty of conflicts of interest and I should’ve been more responsible and used protection.

Not everyone knows best. In fact, most people don’t which is why you shouldn’t immediately take advice from other people. Be an adult, analyze the situation, and weigh the pros and cons but consider the possibility that things can go sideways. No matter what anyone tells you there is no way to know how things are going to play out so you might as well make the safe play and use protection!

But, if you happened to have taken the risk, the smartest thing you can do next is get tested for STD as thoroughly as you can. It’s a right thing to do, and you deserve respect for doing the right thing. Chances are, you’re perfectly fine, but should the test find something, it would be absolutely essential to have it treated right away.

Chai Care offers discrete, respectful, thorough STD testing service in all our locations. If you find yourself in a situation when STD testing is a wise action to take. just find the Chai Care location near you, check the work hours, walk in and get tested today, without delay. Walk-ins are welcome, and no questions are asked. If you’d like to commit to a certain specific time slot for your STD test, you can also book an appointment at the nearest location.

(Booking an appointment is a purely psychological thing, it’s more for you than for us. We’ll welcome you anytime, even without any appointment, but having an appointment sometimes help your mind to focus on doing what needs to be done.)

* Legal disclaimer: The content of this article and the entire Chai Care blog is for educational purposes only; it does NOT constitute medical advice and must not be considered as such. Please consult a medical professional regarding any symptoms or health concerns you or your loved ones.